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Controles de tarjeta

Alerts and tools designed to keep your debit and credit card secure

Alertas por texto y correo electrónico

Establezca alertas para notificarle la actividad en su cuenta

Identificador de voz Voice ID

Usamos su voz para verificar su identidad cada vez que llame

Los miembros del equipo de SCE Credit Union nunca le llamarán, enviarán un correo electrónico o le enviarán un mensaje de texto solicitando su información personal, ¡nunca!.

Si ha sido víctima de fraude o si alguien ha intentado obtener su información personal, llámenos inmediatamente al 800.866.6474.

Noticias, información y alertas

Aunque siempre nos esforzamos por proporcionar información en español, algunos contenidos solo están disponibles en inglés.

I had a great experience, during my call. Very knowledgeable customer service agent.

Melissa M

Google 4.30.24

Awesome customer service! I’ve been banking with SCE Credit Union for nearly 11 years now and haven’t had a problem with them yet.

David B

Google 4.29.24

Very attentive. Friendly. And very professional.

Jason R

Google 4.28.24

Great and friendly service to their customer.

Tom F

Google 4.26.24

Susan Saad is a really huge help. Thankful for her to have helped my wife and I with our recent loan and in previous loans, and refinance as well!

Russol P

Google 4.25.24

Outstanding customer service! They went above and beyond their duties to help my wife and I. No bank has ever made us feel so very pleased with the service. They treated us as persons, not numbers. Excellent!

Rod M

Google 4.25.24

Alejandra at the Duarte branch has very high standards on customer service. She's polite, very understanding of my problem, and solved it right away.

Angelita E

Google 4.24.24

From regular paying bills to lower rate loans and personal assistance with issues we had, SCE FCU has been a great asset in our lives!

Alma E

Google 4.20.24

I like this place! It's so much easier than standing in long lines at other banks. Online is super easy too!

Joanna M

Google 4.18.24

Great service! When I've had issues they are extremely helpful. I appreciate the service.

Miguel L

Yelp 4.17.24